China Weird Laws Know Laws You Should Be Aware Of In China

China: China is such a country, which is often in the headlines and every time it remains in the news for different reasons. Many times China also comes into the limelight because of the lifestyle. Now due to the strange rules, the way of living of the people there has also changed. Now this law is related to population and many other issues. Actually, there are many such laws in China, due to which there are restrictions on many things and the people there cannot live their lives as freely as in India.

In such a situation, know what are those works, which you can easily do in India, but cannot do so in China. So know about the strange law of China, so that if you ever go to China then you will not have any problem.

can’t copy in china

Let us tell you that in China, if you are helping someone to copy, then you can be jailed, the same 3 to 7 years of imprisonment and fine can also be imposed, but in India it is not taken very seriously.

Will be jailed for questioning the Chinese army

On the one hand, evidence of strikes is sought from the Indian Army, on the other hand, if you point a finger at the Chinese army, you can be jailed, while a defamation case can also be filed against you in China.

Growing a beard in China will result in jail

In India you can freely live your religion but in China you do not have religious freedom. It is said that in the last few years, legal warnings were given to Muslim people for keeping beard, after which many people were jailed in China for keeping beard, while questions are constantly being raised on China regarding the freedom of Islam.

It is illegal to save a drowning person in China

Let us tell you that if a person is drowning in India, then you will rush to help him, but if you are in China and a person is drowning, then you cannot help him even if you want to. A law was made in China that You cannot save a drowning person. However, it has been said in many reports that there is no such law.

Read also: This is India’s longest train, which takes not one or two but several engines to run.

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